DOM/AMS Notes Image
Dear Friends in Christ,
     Happy New Year! We have started off this new year with a bout of winter weather. If anyone from our churches need to contact me, please feel free to call my cell phone. That number is available through your pastor. With the weather being so cold and snowy I may not always be in the association office. You can call the office and leave a message if you would like to. The office number is: 270-795-4171. 
     If you are not aware Betty Scott, my secretary retired December 30th. Betty served the Central Baptist Association for 14 years and 8 months. She has been the best and we will miss her dearly. Betty will be honored at the Executive Board meeting January 19, 2025, 2:30 PM at Central Baptist Church. 
     Churches in the Central Baptist Association continue to serve the Lord in some awesome ways. Here is some of the news we have gathered over the last month.
 Bethlehem Baptist Church— will be starting their annual 21 day fast beginning January 1st. Whatever one has that gets in their way of being close to the Lord is asked to be given up for 21 days. Yes, it could be a meal, but it also may be a cell phone, computer, television, or perhaps something else.
Bradfordsville Baptist Church— had a fun family game night December 29th at the Bradfordsville Civic Center. Everyone enjoyed the food, fellowship and playing games together as a family of God.
Central Baptist Church— celebrated Christmas by baptizing a new member into the church. The Fellowship Hall and education space has been updated and refinished.
Lebanon Baptist Church— continues to grow through reaching people for Jesus Christ. During the month of November several members came to together to bake 175 pumpkin pies and deliver them to the surrounding community in Lebanon. There was an article about this ministry featured in Kentucky Today.
Mackville Baptist Church— has called a pastor. Bro. Ron Miller and his wife Marilyn will be returning to Mackville February 2nd for their second time as pastor.
Mount Freedom Baptist Church— is continuing to grow in worship and serving the Lord together.
Mount Olivet Baptist Church— Bro. Joseph Lumbrix resigned as pastor to accept the position as pastor at a church in Carrollton, Kentucky. Ray Dalrymple is serving as interim pastor.
Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church— pastor Dr. Billy Compton retired December 29th after serving seven years with the church. Billy brought a lot of growth to Muldraugh Hill Baptist Church and will never be forgotten.
New Hope Baptist Church— will be having a Deacon Ordination Council January 19th 3:00 PM for Doug Spalding. The ordination service will be later in the month.
Rockbridge Baptist Church— continues to serve the Lord through the God’s Blessings Food Pantry. This ministry continues to impact lives for Jesus Christ.
Springfield Baptist Church— was recognized at the Kentucky Baptist Convention for their work in revitalization of their church. Springfield Baptist Church is growing. Baptisms are taking place regularly. God is blessing!
Stewarts Creek Baptist Church— held their Christmas programs and activities. The mission work at Brookhaven Trailer Park continues. Thanks to all who volunteer and help out by serving God in ministering to the lives of these children.
Temple Baptist Church— served approximately 450 meals in the Springfield area December 14th. The church is currently looking to call a youth minister and a music minister. A resume can be submitted to Jennifer Mann at her email address:
Thompsonville Baptist Church— is continuing to grow in worship and serving the Lord together.
Unity Baptist Church— is growing with 8 new members over this past year. The church has had 34 special events. God has been good and continues to bless.
Willisburg Baptist Church— had 16 people that went to Derby Dinner Playhouse for a Christmas outing.
Woodlawn Baptist Church— will be having a men’s prayer breakfast January 11th.
In 2025 my prayer is that we see spiritual growth in all our churches. Keep up the good work and may God's blessings continue to be with each of you. 
Sincerely in Christ,
Bro. Jay Hatfield